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So Frenchy, So Chic

Instead of lapping up the Australian sunshine this summer, we jetted off to London & Paris in search of the world's most covetable lifestyle and stationery products. 

Our new expanded range features a collection of handpicked artisan products that are unique to the Australian marketplace, perfectly complementing our existing suite of premier products.

We hope you love it - and our new website, as much as we do.
So Frenchy, So Chic

by Belle Healy

March 01, 2019


So Frenchy, So Chic

Instead of lapping up the Australian sunshine this summer, we jetted off to London & Paris in search of the world's most covetable lifestyle and stationery products. 

Our new expanded range features a collection of handpicked artisan products that are unique to the Australian marketplace, perfectly complementing our existing suite of premier products.

We hope you love it - and our new website, as much as we do.

by Belle Healy

March 01, 2019

So Frenchy, So Chic
Instead of lapping up the Australian sunshine this summer, we jetted off to London & Paris in search of the world's most covetable lifestyle and stationery products. 

Our new expanded range features a collection of handpicked artisan products that are unique to the Australian marketplace, perfectly complementing our existing suite of premier products.

We hope you love it - and our new website, as much as we do.

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